Maximizing Growth Potential and Market Leadership Through Targeted and Comprehensive Strategic Execution


leading construction and real estate development firm

Our Role

Market Assessment and Ongoing Implementation for Strategic Execution


Amman, Jordan

The Client and Challenge:

A leading construction and real estate development firm in Jordan, has been at the forefront of large-scale residential and commercial projects across the region. With increasing competition and an ambition to expand into infrastructure development and sustainable construction, the company recognized the need for a strategic overhaul to sustain its market leadership and achieve its growth objectives.

The Approach:

  1. Comprehensive Market and Internal Assessment:
    We started by conducting a thorough analysis of the Jordanian construction and real estate market, identifying key trends, regulatory requirements, and competitive pressures. Internally, we interviewed over 30 key stakeholders, including executives, department heads, and regional managers, to gain insights into the company’s strengths, weaknesses, and growth opportunities.

  2. Strategic Workshops and Detailed Planning:
    Business Keep organized a series of twelve focused 1-day workshops with the leadership team. Each workshop targeted specific areas critical to the company’s growth:

    • Operational Efficiency: Streamlining processes, improving project management, and reducing costs.
    • Market Expansion: Developing strategies for entering new markets, particularly in infrastructure and sustainable construction.
    • Sustainability: Integrating sustainable practices into all projects to meet rising environmental standards and differentiate the company in the market.

      Each session resulted in specific action items and decisions, which were immediately incorporated into the strategic plan. These workshops were not generic; they were tailored to the company’s unique challenges, with clear agendas and objectives such as setting operational benchmarks, defining market entry strategies, and establishing sustainability goals.

  3. Strategic Execution Plan Development:
    Based on the insights gathered, we developed a detailed execution plan for 2022-2026. This plan included:

    • Clear Initiatives: Outlining specific projects for infrastructure expansion and sustainability integration.
    • Responsibility Assignments:
      Assigning clear roles and responsibilities to ensure accountability.
    • Timelines:
      Establishing realistic deadlines for each initiative to ensure steady progress.

  4. Ongoing Implementation and Monitoring:
    We didn’t just leave the plan at the development stage. Business Keep provided ongoing support to ensure successful implementation. We created:

    • Communication Tools:
      A one-page summary and detailed guides to align all employees with the new strategy.
    • Monitoring Framework: Regular check-ins, progress reviews, and adjustments were made to keep the plan on track and address any challenges that arose.

The Deliverables:

  • 5-Year Strategic Execution Plan (2022-2026):
    A comprehensive roadmap that detailed all initiatives, assigned responsibilities, and set clear timelines.

  • SWOT Analysis:
    Focused assessments for each division, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

  • Scenario Planning:
    Three strategic growth scenarios with recommendations for navigating the specific challenges of Jordan’s construction industry.

  • Future State Narratives:
    Detailed visions for each division, outlining strategic direction, market positioning, and sustainable practices.

  • Strategic Communication Tools:
    A one-page strategic plan and communication guides to ensure organizational alignment.

  • Implementation Monitoring Framework:
    A robust framework to track progress, including KPIs and regular reviews.

The Results So Far:

  • Market Expansion:
    The company has successfully initiated infrastructure projects, setting the stage for leadership in this sector by 2026.

  • Operational Efficiency:
    Early implementation efforts have resulted in a 20% increase in project efficiency and a 15% reduction in operational costs.

  • Sustainability Leadership:
    The company is on track to becoming a leader in sustainable construction practices in Jordan, setting new industry standards.